The Humboldt Redwoods Project would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their help and support in the creation of this website and corresponding collection features:
- Humboldt State University's Museum and Gallery Practices Certificate Program Interns:
- Audrey Blair
- HRP Battle for the Redwoods Exhibit Curator
- Humboldt Room Collections Researcher
- Victoria Bruner
- HRP Tourism Exhibit Curator
- Humboldt Room Collections Researcher
- Jessica Chapman
- HRP Website Design
- HRP Tourism Exhibit Curator
- Humboldt Room Collections Researcher
- Benjamin Cohen
- HRP Redwood as Object Exhibit Curator
- Humboldt Room Collections Researcher
- Jacqueline Langeland
- HP Historic Logging Exhibit Curator
- Humboldt Room Collections Researcher
- Nicole Williams
- HRP Exhibits Contributor
- Humboldt Room Collections Researcher
- Audrey Blair
- Humboldt State University's Library/Humboldt Room Special Collections Reference Librarians:
- Carly Marino
- HRP Coordinator
- Humboldt Room Internship Supervisor
- Katie LaSala
- Humboldt Room Special Collections Reference Librarian Support
- Carly Marino
- Humboldt State University's Library Cataloging Librarian:
- Lucy Ingrey
- Cataloging Consultant
- Lucy Ingrey
- Humboldt State University's Library/Humboldt Room Intern:
- Ruby Buentello
- Collection Consultant
- Ruby Buentello
- Humboldt State University's Museum and Gallery Practices Certificate Program Professor:
- Michele McCall-Wallace
- Internship Administrator
- Michele McCall-Wallace